Publikationen | Publications
Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling, A., Marx, P. & van Kersbergen, K. (eds.) (2022), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Marx, P. (2015), The Political Behaviour of Temporary Workers, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Emmenegger, P., Kvist, J., Marx, P. & Petersen, K. (eds.) (2015), 25 Years of Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Journal of European Social Policy, 13(2).
Fastenrath, F., & Marx, P. (2025), The role of preference formation and perception in unequal representation: Combined evidence from elite interviews and focus groups in Germany. Comparative Political Studies, 58(3), 431-461.
Jungkunz, S. & Marx, P. (2024), Material deprivation in childhood and unequal political socialization: The relationship between children's economic hardship and future voting, European Sociological Review, 40(1), 72-84.
Jungkunz, S., Fastenrath, F., & Marx, P. (2023), Politicization of redistributive policies and political behavior of the poor in German elections. Electoral Studies, 86, Article 102704.
Fastenrath, F. & Marx, P. (2023), Wann setzen sich linke Parteien für die Besteuerung hoher Einkommen und Vermögen ein? Lehren aus dem Bundestagswahlkampf von 2021, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(2), 353-378.
Jungkunz, S. & Marx, P. (2022), Income changes do not influence political involvement in panel data from six countries, European Journal of Political Research, 61(3), 829-841.
Fastenrath, F., Marx, P., Truger, A. & Vitt, H. (2022), Why Is It So Difficult to Tax the Rich? Evidence From German Policy-Makers, Journal of European Public Policy, 29(5), 767-786.
Jungkunz, S. & Marx, P. (2021), The negative influence of individual socio-economic problems on political knowledge, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(4), 891–910.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2021), How stable is labour market dualism? Reforms of employment protection in nine European countries, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 27(1), 93-110.
Yazell, B., Petersen, K., Marx, P. & Fessenbecker, P. (2021), The Role of Literary Fiction in Facilitating Social Science Research, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(261), 1-8.
Marx, P. (2020), Anti-elite politics and emotional reactions to socio-economic problems. Experimental evidence on ‘pocketbook anger’ from France, Germany, and the United States, British Journal of Sociology, 71(4), 608–624.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2020), Three approaches to labour market vulnerability and political preferences, Political Science Research and Methods, 8(2), 356-361.
Marx, P. (2019), Should we study political behaviour as rituals? Towards a general micro theory of politics in everyday life, Rationality and Society, 31(3), 313–336.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2019), The politics of inequality as organized spectacle: Why the swiss do not want to tax the rich, New Political Economy, 24(1), 103-124.
Marx, P. & Nguyen, C. (2018), Anti-elite parties and political inequality: How challenges to the political mainstream reduce income gaps in internal efficacy, European Journal of Political Research, 57(4), 919-940.
Marx, P. & Naumann, E. (2018), Do radical right-wing parties foster welfare chauvinistic attitudes? A longitudinal study of the 2015 ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Germany, Electoral Studies, 52(1), 111-116.
Marx, P. & Schumacher, G. (2018), Do poor citizens vote for redistribution, against immigration, or against the establishment? A conjoint experiment in Denmark, Scandinavian Political Studies, 41(3), 263-282.
Marx, P. & Nguyen, C. (2018), Political participation in European welfare states: Does social investment matter?, Journal of European Public Policy, 25(6), 912-943.
Emmenegger, P., Marx, P. & Schraff, D. (2017), Off to a bad start: Unemployment and political interest during early adulthood, Journal of Politics, 79(1), 315–328.
Marx, P. & Starke, P. (2017), Dualization as destiny? The political economy of the German minimum wage reform, Politics & Society, 45(4), 559-584.
Dräger, V. & Marx, P. (2017), Do firms demand temporary workers when they face workload fluctuation? Cross-country firm-level evidence, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 70(4), 942–975.
Emmenegger, P., Marx, P. & Schraff, D. (2017), Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und politische Sozialisation. Eine Längsschnittstudie unter Berücksichtigung von Persönlichkeitseffekten, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 46(3), 201-218.
Eichhorst, W., Marx, P. & Wehner, C. (2017), Labor market reforms in Europe. Towards more flexicure labor markets?, Journal for Labour Market Research, 51(3).
Gallego, A. & Marx, P. (2017), Multi-dimensional preferences for labor market reforms: A conjoint experiment, Journal of European Public Policy, 24(7), 1027-1047.
Marx, P. & Nguyen, C. (2016), Are the unemployed less politically involved? A comparative study of internal political efficacy, European Sociological Review, 32(5), 634-648.
Marx, P. & Schumacher, G. (2016), The effect of economic change and elite framing on support for welfare state retrenchment: A survey experiment, Journal of European Social Policy, 26(1), 20-31.
Marx, P. (2016), The insider-outsider divide and economic voting. Testing a new theory with German electoral data, Socio-Economic Review, 14(1), 97-118.
Emmenegger, P., Marx, P. & Schraff, D. (2015), Labor market disadvantage, political orientations and voting: How adverse labour market experiences translate into electoral behaviour, Socio-Economic Review, 13(2), 189-213.
Emmenegger, P., Kvist, J., Marx, P. & Petersen, K. (2015), Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: The making of a classic, Journal of European Social Policy, 25(1), 3-13
Marx, P. (2014), The effect of job insecurity and employability on preferences for redistribution in Western Europe, Journal of European Social Policy, 24(4), 351-366.
Guillaud, E. & Marx, P. (2014) Preferences for employment protection and the insider-outsider divide: Evidence from France, West European Politics, 37(5), 1177-1185.
Marx, P. (2014), Labour market risks and political preferences: The case of temporary employment, European Journal of Political Research, 53(1), 136–159.
Davidsson, J.B. & Marx, P. (2013), Losing the issue, losing the vote: Issue competition and the reform of unemployment insurance in Germany and Sweden. Political Studies, 61(3), 505-522.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2013), The party preferences of atypical workers in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 23(2), 164-178.
Marx, P. & Schumacher, G. (2013), Will to power? Intra-party conflict in social democratic parties and the choice for neoliberal policies in Germany, the Netherlands and Spain (1980-2010). European Political Science Review, 5(1), 151-173.
Marx, P. (2012), Labour market dualisation in France. Assessing different explanatory approaches. European Societies, 14(5), 704-726.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2011), Business and the development of job security regulations: The case of Germany. Socio-Economic Review, 9(4), 729-756.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2011), Reforming German labour market institutions: A dual path to flexibility. Journal of European Social Policy, 21(1), 73-87.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2011), Die sozialpolitischen Präferenzen der Mittelschicht: Antriebskraft oder Bremse? Sozialer Fortschritt, 60(12), 289-295.
Eichhorst, W., Feil, M. & Marx, P. (2010), Crisis, what crisis? Patterns of adaptation in European labor markets. Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement, 56(61), 29-64.
Marx, P. (2023), Inequality (political). In: M. Grasso & M. Giugni (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 234–237.
Marx, P. (2023), Labour market problems and political integration. In: D. Clegg & N. Durazzi (eds.), Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 523–535.
Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling, A., Marx, P. & van Kersbergen, K. (2022), Digitalization and the welfare state: Introduction. In: M. Busemeyer, A. Kemmerling, P. Marx & K. van Kersbergen (eds.), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1-20.
Marx, P. (2022), Social solidarity in the age of the internet. In: M. Busemeyer, A. Kemmerling, P. Marx & K. van Kersbergen (eds.), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 118-135.
Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling, A., Marx, P. & van Kersbergen, K. (2022), Digitalization and the future of the democratic welfare state. In: M. Busemeyer, A. Kemmerling, P. Marx & K. van Kersbergen (eds.), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 373-392.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2021) The regulation of employment. In: D. Béland, K. Morgan, H. Obinger & C. Pierson (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. 2nd Edition, Wiesbaden, Oxford University Press, 606-623.
Marx, P. (2020), The political integration of the middle class. In. E. Jones (eds.), European Studies. Past, Present and Future, Newcastle, Agenda Publishing, 87-91.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2019) Der Wandel der Arbeitswelt als Herausforderung für die Sozialpolitik. In: H. Obinger & M. G. Schmidt (eds.), Handbuch Sozialpolitik, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 409-430.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2019) Regulierung der Arbeitswelt: Der Kündigungsschutz. In: H. Obinger & M. G. Schmidt (eds.), Handbuch Sozialpolitik, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 679-718.
Marx, P. (2019), Beschäftigungsunsicherheit, politisches Wissen und Beteiligung – theoretische Überlegungen und eine explorative Studie. In: B. Westle & M. Tausendpfund (eds.), Politisches Wissen. Relevanz, Messung und Befunde, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 121-144.
Marx, P. & Françon, B. (2015), Occupational employment patterns in a highly regulated labour market: The case of France. In: W. Eichhorst & P. Marx (eds.), Non-standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 89-109.
Eichhorst, W.,Marx, P. & Tobsch, V. (2015), Non-standard employment across occupations in Germany: The role of replaceability and labour market flexibility. In: W. Eichhorst & P. Marx (eds.), Non-standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 29-51.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2015), Introduction. In: W. Eichhorst & P. Marx (eds), Non-standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 1-28.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2014), Labour market policies and party preferences of fixed-term workers. In: S. Kumlin & I. Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (eds.), How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting, and Attitudes, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. pp. 113-131.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2012), Whatever works: Dualisation and the service economy in Bismarckian welfare states. In: P. Emmenegger, S. Häusermann, M. Seeleib-Kaiser & B. Palier (eds), The age of dualization: The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies, Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press. pp. 73-99.
Eichhorst, W., Konle-Seidl, R., Koslowski, A. & Marx, P. (2011), Quantity over quality? A European comparison of the changing nature of transitions between non-employment and employment. In: J. Clasen & D. Clegg (eds), Regulating the Risk of Unemployment. National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press. pp. 281-296.