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Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling, A., Marx, P. & van Kersbergen, K. (eds.) (2022), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Marx, P. (2015), The Political Behaviour of Temporary Workers, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (eds.) (2015), Non-standard Employment in Post-industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
Emmenegger, P., Kvist, J., Marx, P. & Petersen, K. (eds.) (2015), 25 Years of Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism, Journal of European Social Policy, 13(2).



Fastenrath, F., & Marx, P. (2025), The role of preference formation and perception in unequal representation: Combined evidence from elite interviews and focus groups in Germany. Comparative Political Studies, 58(3), 431-461.
Jungkunz, S. & Marx, P. (2024), Material deprivation in childhood and unequal political socialization: The relationship between children's economic hardship and future voting, European Sociological Review, 40(1), 72-84.
Jungkunz, S., Fastenrath, F., & Marx, P. (2023), Politicization of redistributive policies and political behavior of the poor in German elections. Electoral Studies, 86, Article 102704.
Fastenrath, F. & Marx, P. (2023), Wann setzen sich linke Parteien für die Besteuerung hoher Einkommen und Vermögen ein? Lehren aus dem Bundestagswahlkampf von 2021, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64(2), 353-378.
Jungkunz, S. & Marx, P. (2022), Income changes do not influence political involvement in panel data from six countries, European Journal of Political Research, 61(3), 829-841.
Fastenrath, F., Marx, P., Truger, A. & Vitt, H. (2022), Why Is It So Difficult to Tax the Rich? Evidence From German Policy-Makers, Journal of European Public Policy, 29(5), 767-786.
Jungkunz, S. & Marx, P. (2021), The negative influence of individual socio-economic problems on political knowledge, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(4), 891–910.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2021), How stable is labour market dualism? Reforms of employment protection in nine European countries, European Journal of Industrial Relations, 27(1), 93-110.
Yazell, B., Petersen, K., Marx, P. & Fessenbecker, P. (2021), The Role of Literary Fiction in Facilitating Social Science Research, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8(261), 1-8.
Marx, P. (2020), Anti-elite politics and emotional reactions to socio-economic problems. Experimental evidence on ‘pocketbook anger’ from France, Germany, and the United States, British Journal of Sociology, 71(4), 608–624.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2020), Three approaches to labour market vulnerability and political preferences, Political Science Research and Methods, 8(2), 356-361.
Marx, P. (2019), Should we study political behaviour as rituals? Towards a general micro theory of politics in everyday life, Rationality and Society, 31(3), 313–336.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2019), The politics of inequality as organized spectacle: Why the swiss do not want to tax the rich, New Political Economy, 24(1), 103-124.
Marx, P. & Nguyen, C. (2018), Anti-elite parties and political inequality: How challenges to the political mainstream reduce income gaps in internal efficacy, European Journal of Political Research, 57(4), 919-940.
Marx, P. & Naumann, E. (2018), Do radical right-wing parties foster welfare chauvinistic attitudes? A longitudinal study of the 2015 ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Germany, Electoral Studies, 52(1), 111-116.
Marx, P. & Schumacher, G. (2018), Do poor citizens vote for redistribution, against immigration, or against the establishment? A conjoint experiment in Denmark, Scandinavian Political Studies, 41(3), 263-282.
Marx, P. & Nguyen, C. (2018), Political participation in European welfare states: Does social investment matter?, Journal of European Public Policy, 25(6), 912-943.
Emmenegger, P., Marx, P. & Schraff, D. (2017), Off to a bad start: Unemployment and political interest during early adulthood, Journal of Politics, 79(1), 315–328.
Marx, P. & Starke, P. (2017), Dualization as destiny? The political economy of the German minimum wage reform, Politics & Society, 45(4), 559-584.
Dräger, V. & Marx, P. (2017), Do firms demand temporary workers when they face workload fluctuation? Cross-country firm-level evidence, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 70(4), 942–975.
Emmenegger, P., Marx, P. & Schraff, D. (2017), Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und politische Sozialisation. Eine Längsschnittstudie unter Berücksichtigung von Persönlichkeitseffekten, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 46(3), 201-218.
Eichhorst, W., Marx, P. & Wehner, C. (2017), Labor market reforms in Europe. Towards more flexicure labor markets?, Journal for Labour Market Research, 51(3).
Gallego, A. & Marx, P. (2017), Multi-dimensional preferences for labor market reforms: A conjoint experiment, Journal of European Public Policy, 24(7), 1027-1047.
Marx, P. & Nguyen, C. (2016), Are the unemployed less politically involved? A comparative study of internal political efficacy, European Sociological Review, 32(5), 634-648.
Marx, P. & Schumacher, G. (2016), The effect of economic change and elite framing on support for welfare state retrenchment: A survey experiment, Journal of European Social Policy, 26(1), 20-31.
Marx, P. (2016), The insider-outsider divide and economic voting. Testing a new theory with German electoral data, Socio-Economic Review, 14(1), 97-118.
Emmenegger, P., Marx, P. & Schraff, D. (2015), Labor market disadvantage, political orientations and voting: How adverse labour market experiences translate into electoral behaviour, Socio-Economic Review, 13(2), 189-213.
Emmenegger, P., Kvist, J., Marx, P. & Petersen, K. (2015), Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism: The making of a classic, Journal of European Social Policy, 25(1), 3-13
Marx, P. (2014), The effect of job insecurity and employability on preferences for redistribution in Western Europe, Journal of European Social Policy, 24(4), 351-366.
Guillaud, E. & Marx, P. (2014) Preferences for employment protection and the insider-outsider divide: Evidence from France, West European Politics, 37(5), 1177-1185.
Marx, P. (2014), Labour market risks and political preferences: The case of temporary employment, European Journal of Political Research, 53(1), 136–159.
Davidsson, J.B. & Marx, P. (2013), Losing the issue, losing the vote: Issue competition and the reform of unemployment insurance in Germany and Sweden. Political Studies, 61(3), 505-522.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2013), The party preferences of atypical workers in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 23(2), 164-178.
Marx, P. & Schumacher, G. (2013), Will to power? Intra-party conflict in social democratic parties and the choice for neoliberal policies in Germany, the Netherlands and Spain (1980-2010). European Political Science Review, 5(1), 151-173.
Marx, P. (2012), Labour market dualisation in France. Assessing different explanatory approaches. European Societies, 14(5), 704-726.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2011), Business and the development of job security regulations: The case of Germany. Socio-Economic Review, 9(4), 729-756.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2011), Reforming German labour market institutions: A dual path to flexibility. Journal of European Social Policy, 21(1), 73-87.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2011), Die sozialpolitischen Präferenzen der Mittelschicht: Antriebskraft oder Bremse? Sozialer Fortschritt, 60(12), 289-295.
Eichhorst, W., Feil, M. & Marx, P. (2010), Crisis, what crisis? Patterns of adaptation in European labor markets. Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement, 56(61), 29-64.


Marx, P. (2023), Inequality (political). In: M. Grasso & M. Giugni (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 234–237.
Marx, P. (2023), Labour market problems and political integration. In: D. Clegg & N. Durazzi (eds.), Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 523–535.
Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling, A., Marx, P. & van Kersbergen, K. (2022), Digitalization and the welfare state: Introduction. In: M. Busemeyer, A. Kemmerling, P. Marx & K. van Kersbergen (eds.), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1-20.
Marx, P. (2022), Social solidarity in the age of the internet. In: M. Busemeyer, A. Kemmerling, P. Marx & K. van Kersbergen (eds.), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 118-135.
Busemeyer, M., Kemmerling, A., Marx, P. & van Kersbergen, K. (2022), Digitalization and the future of the democratic welfare state. In: M. Busemeyer, A. Kemmerling, P. Marx & K. van Kersbergen (eds.), Digitalization and the Welfare State, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 373-392.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2021) The regulation of employment. In: D. Béland, K. Morgan, H. Obinger & C. Pierson (eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Welfare State. 2nd Edition, Wiesbaden, Oxford University Press, 606-623.
Marx, P. (2020), The political integration of the middle class. In. E. Jones (eds.), European Studies. Past, Present and Future, Newcastle, Agenda Publishing, 87-91.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2019) Der Wandel der Arbeitswelt als Herausforderung für die Sozialpolitik. In: H. Obinger & M. G. Schmidt (eds.), Handbuch Sozialpolitik, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 409-430.
Emmenegger, P. & Marx, P. (2019) Regulierung der Arbeitswelt: Der Kündigungsschutz. In: H. Obinger & M. G. Schmidt (eds.), Handbuch Sozialpolitik, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 679-718.
Marx, P. (2019), Beschäftigungsunsicherheit, politisches Wissen und Beteiligung – theoretische Überlegungen und eine explorative Studie. In: B. Westle & M. Tausendpfund (eds.), Politisches Wissen. Relevanz, Messung und Befunde, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 121-144.
Marx, P. & Françon, B. (2015), Occupational employment patterns in a highly regulated labour market: The case of France. In: W. Eichhorst & P. Marx (eds.), Non-standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 89-109.
Eichhorst, W.,Marx, P. & Tobsch, V. (2015), Non-standard employment across occupations in Germany: The role of replaceability and labour market flexibility. In: W. Eichhorst & P. Marx (eds.), Non-standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 29-51.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2015), Introduction. In: W. Eichhorst & P. Marx (eds), Non-standard Employment in Post-Industrial Labour Markets: An Occupational Perspective, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar 1-28.
Marx, P. & Picot, G. (2014), Labour market policies and party preferences of fixed-term workers. In: S. Kumlin & I. Stadelmann-Steffen, I. (eds.), How Welfare States Shape the Democratic Public: Policy Feedback, Participation, Voting, and Attitudes, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. pp. 113-131.
Eichhorst, W. & Marx, P. (2012), Whatever works: Dualisation and the service economy in Bismarckian welfare states. In: P. Emmenegger, S. Häusermann, M. Seeleib-Kaiser & B. Palier (eds), The age of dualization: The changing face of inequality in deindustrializing societies, Oxford; New York, Oxford University Press. pp. 73-99.
Eichhorst, W., Konle-Seidl, R., Koslowski, A. & Marx, P. (2011), Quantity over quality? A European comparison of the changing nature of transitions between non-employment and employment. In: J. Clasen & D. Clegg (eds), Regulating the Risk of Unemployment. National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press. pp. 281-296.
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